Lakeview Yoga and Wellness Center

Kenmore’s premier studio for Yoga & Wellness

Familiarize yourself with our studio and class offerings with our New Student Intro 3 Classes for $30!

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Weekly Schedule

We made some schedule changes effective April 2024. Please check MindBody for updates.

Please consider downloading the MindBody app to book your classes, get notifications of schedule changes, buy packages, and more!

Upcoming events

  • Intro to Power Yoga

    Saturday June 1st 1-3 PM

    New to the practice of Power Yoga? Have you been wanting to try a class but have been worried that you would be lost? This Intro to Power workshop is the perfect place for you to start!

    Rachel will walk you through the main elements of a Power Yoga class, and you will leave with a basic understanding of the most common poses, modifications, use of props, and breathing. You will finish the day feeling confident, safe, and ready to try one of our regular power classes.

    If you already have some experience with yoga, but are returning after a long break, this is for you. If you are a current student who would like to brush up on alignment and technique, this is for you. If you have never tried power yoga and want to take the anxiety out of your first power yoga class, this is for you.

    Cost: $40

  • Sound Bath

    Friday June 14th 8-9 PM

    Join us for an hour sound bath journey. Sound Healing has been practiced for thousands of years and is a beautiful way to reset your emotional and physical body. With a combination of Tibetan bowls, crystal bowls, drums, percussive instruments, chanting, bells and more. Adam will lead you through a healing journey of sound. Dress cozy, bring a yoga mat, a pillow and blanket, and your intention for healing. Your healing is worth your time.

    Space is limited so be sure to sign up ahead of time to reserve your spot!

    Cost: $40